Thursday, May 27, 2010

Connie Milstein Salutes President Obama at Inaguration

In January of 2009, the new president of the United States, Barak Obama, was inaugurated into office. To celebrate this event Connie Milstein had her unique store, Connie's Bakery and General Store, send 20,000 delicious brownies to add something really special to an already special occasion.

The brownies made their appearance at eight different inaugural events, one of them the Day of Service event in which 10,000 brownies appeared at RFK Stadium. Each and every brownie was wrapped in red, white and blue with a sticker saying, "Congratulations President Obama!"

These brownies are really something that Connie Milstein can be proud of. As the assistant pastry chef Jaimie Jeffrey described said, "Our brownies are extraordinary.They’re nice and fudgy and soft. Mmmm.”

Monday, May 17, 2010

Connie Milstein Offers Sweet Treats to Eat

Up in Mt. Kisco, north of New York City in what is known to New Yorkers as "Upstate" is an amazing shop where all the proceeds from your purchases go to charity, the employees are earning decent wages, apprentices are being given the tools to make a living in a respected and fulfilling profession, and perhaps best of all, the products are top-notch, high-quality and beyond delicious.

So what is this amazing place I am referring to? It is none other than Connie's Bakery and General Store, the brainchild of Connie Milstein, philanthropist and real estate broker. At Connie's Bakery every purchase you make goes towards either an organization or an individual who is in need of a helping hand. Enjoy such luscious treats as homemade brownies, old-fashioned cookies, ginger snaps, lemon coolers and much, much more.

And not only is your money going to great causes, but all the ingredients are healthy and wholesome, like your grandma used to use. And whenever possible the ingredients are purchased from local farms, and other supplies from local businesses, upholding the philosophy of keeping business in the community to support and strengthen the community in which one lives, works and learns.

Connie's Bakery, one of the many successful endeavors of Connie Milstein, is a treat in so many different and important ways. Come visit and see what we mean.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Connie Milstein's Great Idea

Connie Milstein came up with such a great idea, that it seems to have really worked. What idea is that? To create a store where all the earnings are dedicated to helping organizations and charitable foundations, and where the people working there are treated with dignity and paid liveable wages, and a store where apprentices receive training so that one day they themselves can also be gainfully employed in a dignified profession. This is the idea behind Connie Milstein's special project, Connie's Bakery and General Store.

First established at the end of 2006 in Mt. Kisco, New York, by Connie Milstein, this beautiful store full of wonderful and delicious treats not only delights the sense of taste, but also delights the sense of justice and kindness as well. When purchases are made at Connie's, customers know that they are helping many people all at the same time.

First, there are those organizations which benefit from the money raised through the purchases people make at Connie's Bakery. Then, the employees themselves who are being paid wages on which it is possible to live dignified lives. Third, there is an apprenticeship program in which otherwise unemployed and untrained individuals can get the training and experience they need to lead productive and fulfilling lives in a rewarding and dignified profession.

Connie Milstein's good idea has turned into a great achievement.