Connie Milstein is a co-founder and board member of the Humpty Dumpty Institute, which is on the forefront of the battle against the international landmine epidemic. In order to remove the mines HDI has created innovative partnerships to raise money and awareness.
One of its more pioneering projects was begun in 2004, which monetized surplus food commodities in the U.S. and using the proceeding monies for reinforcing the symbiotic goals of demining and development of agriculture on the newly cleared lands. In this way the HDI was able to directly contribute almost $10 million towards the landmine clearance programs of Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Laos, Armenia and several others.
HDI, with the support of Connie Milstein has also created a program called “Adopt-A-Minefield.” Begun in 1998, Adopt-A-Minefield has raised more than $20 million for its many projects. The goal of these projects is the same everywhere: to support and help the direct and indirect victims of landmines so that they can either return home, find jobs, support families, be productive members of their societies and in general lead normal, fulfilling lives.